About Us

Trash Bandicoot Bin Cleaning

The faces behind Trash Bandicoot have a story to tell.

As members of the local community, we have watched Nanaimo and surrounding communities evolve from manual to automated garbage pick-up. We also saw the bins get dirtier and attract unwanted rodents not to mention the unseen harmful bacteria and diseases. As this transition occurred, we recognized the need for sanitization of bins. Living on natures edge on Vancouver Island, we are passionate about preserving our natural environment and limiting our impacts on it. We know the importance of having separate recycling, composting, and garbage bins and also know how gross they can get. We recognize that no one wants to get inside your bin and risk attracting any of these bacteria which is where we can help.


The owner-operator of Trash Bandicoot Bin Cleaning, Mike was born and raised on Vancouver Island. He has over 10 years experience in the sanitation industry.

He is the mastermind behind Trash Bandicoot as he pinpointed the gap in the market and the need for this service in our local community. Mike is passionate about disposing of waste, recycling, and composting in the correct manner.

The idea of Trash Bandicoot Bin Cleaning started prior to 2020, we look forward to welcoming you to our journey and to cleaning your bins!